Emerald Gardens Nursery

Emerald Gardens Nursery is a family owned plant farm in Emerald in the Dandenong Ranges. We grow a large range of trees and shrubs on our 8 acre property.

Our stock includes a large range of Japanese Maples, Ornamental Pear varieties, Weeping Cherries, Silver Birch varieties, Fruit trees, grafted ornamental tree varieties, Box and Hedging plants, Screening plants, Grasses and Flaxes, Shrubs, Climbers, Groundcovers, Succulents, Magnolias, Camellias, Azaleas, Conifers, Tubestock, Herbs and Seedlings, Potted colour and much more at wholesale and trade prices.
We offer design advice for new gardens and established gardens and we have over 16 years experience in the industry.

Local business